New Pages

June 24th, 2007

I finished updating the site with all the pages.  You may notice a few of them are missing.  I decided for the sake of simplicity to not keep them.  The old site was getting too cumbersome.  It’s now more streamlined.

 As before, you could view Dario’s pictures by clicking on the page links.  For the rest, click the Yahoo album.  I couldn’t get the link to work properly, and an automatic redirect didn’t work either.  So for now, just click the link. 

Let me know if you find any picture/video/link that doesnt work properly.  I tried to test everything, but I may have missed something.


Fantasy Football League

June 21st, 2007

Its Football time again.  Last year, I participated in Yahoo’s Fantasy Football league.  I had so much fun I couldn’t wait to start again this year.  And to make it even more fun, I made a custom league.  What this means is I don’t get thrown into a random league.  And only those invited can join.  So now I know the people I will be playing against. 

If you too would like to participate, here is the info.  Simply go to: and then choose “Football ‘07″.  You will need to sign in with your yahoo id, or create one if you dont have one.  It’s all free either way.

After signing up, choose to join a “custom” leaugue.  Enter the following info:

League ID#: 87437 *League closed to new teams
Password: ilovejesus

From there, go to the “Draft” page, and pick the players you wish to try and grab in the draft.  If you are like me and don’t know even half the players, and dont want to do the live draft, select auto draft.  You could also select players you hope to get by selecting them in your pre-draft ranking.  If you wonder who  has a good ranking or not, simply change the drop down for each position and it will sort them by the players pre-draft ranking.  Make sure you pick a couple of each position, in case the player is gone by the time you get to pick.

If you do join, comment with you team name so we know who is who.  I will have a few weeks to sign up, and once there is enough teams in the league, I will close it to new teams and have the draft.  So you have time, but don’t lag.

Have fun, and see you on the gridiron.


New Beginnings

June 17th, 2007

For those who don’t know, I have been working every saturday night almost since the beginning of the year.  During the down time of working midnight to 8:30 am, I figured it would give me plenty of time to update both and this site.  Frequent readers may have noticed there hasn’t been anything new to read here in quite some time.  Working on the upgrade is mostly to blame.  I didn’t want to spend alot of time updating the site when I knew the core of it would be gone soon.  Then the site that hosted my blog disappeared, without even a courtesy email, and now I knew I needed to do something.

I admit, I have spent more time working on then on this site.  This is because it is a commercial site, our customers constantly visit the site, and I basically had to learn most everything I wanted to do to the site.  So every single step along the way I had to research, test, fix, retest, yay!, now on to step 2 of 500.  It quickly became a daunting and frustrating task and after a while I stopped working on it as often as I should have.

Now, I have a real good friend who has been like a www mentor to me.  He has been a tremendous help with my programming all my sites.  His website is and you may notice some similarities with our sites.  I was talking with him the other day and I mentioned how little I wanted to work on my sites.  He told me where he got the template for his site, and since I liked it, I downloaded the template program he uses, and BAM! new web blog.

I promise I will post here more often then before.  You could also comment on my postings, which I think is kinda fun.  We will see how this all works out.  After nearly a year of nothing new on the site, I hope you will start to visit more often.  You will have to bear with me while I transform all of the old pages to the new format.  Some pages will be removed, others completely transformed, others will simply have the new theme and thats all.

Feel free to comment on this or other posts, knowing that you are reading, enjoying and commenting lets me know this isn’t a waste of my time.

Love to everyone, and God Bless
