Archive for the ‘Erin’ Category

Erin turns 3

Monday, July 16th, 2007

This past weekend we had Erin’s 3rd birthday party.  It was a swim party at one of the local public pools.  We had a grassy area reserved with shade and picnic tables.  The pool had a large area that was shallow for the smaller kids, and another which was deeper.  There was a splash area and even a water slide. 

Everyone seemed to have a great time.  The weather was really nice, around 106 (great for July in AZ) with light clouds and a steady breeze.  It was almost perfect.  Pretty much all our AZ family was there.  Erin had a great time opening presents and eating cake.  But she would have rather been swimming.

All in all, it was a great time of swimming, eating, and visiting.  Thanks to everyone who was able to make it.  Thank you for all the gifts, and the great conversation. 

God Bless
